Why becoming Vegetarian ?
Booklet extracted from my book

"The Hitchhikker's guide to Natural Health"


Whatever meat eaters may say, meat is not the type of food a  human being requires.
Our hands have no claws, our teeth are not typical of  meat eater, we have no fangs and we don't kill instinctively. Our digestive flora is  mainly  of  a  fermentative  type  and our liver is too small compared to that of a  meat eating animal,  which is proportionally 4  times bigger.
Our digestive tract is much too long to digest meat and our kidneys can barely neutralize all wastes from the animal proteins.
Yet, when confronted by these scientifically proven facts,  people  argue  anyway  that  meat  is  essential  for maintaining  health ! They also argue that the human beings have eaten meat since the dawn of history. This is absolutely right, but that is mainly because they had no choice. They did not know how to grow vegetables, cereals, and fruit.
If in those times they were eating mostly the animals they were hunting, we could assume that since appearance of  agriculture,  our  consumption  of  meat has drastically diminished.
Result: less than a century ago, people would eat meat only once a week, sometimes even less.
Yet, this was mostly true for the people who moved too far from the tropical or sub-tropical areas, which are the natural places for human beings to live.
Monkeys are morphologically our closest cousins as they have the same digestive system. Yet they only live in the tropics and sub-tropics' areas and they do not hunt... !
The farther human beings went from the tropics, the more they had to survive on animal products.
The example of  the  Eskimos  is  obvious,  they  have  no  choice,  having nothing else to eat.
This is not the case of inhabitants of the tropical areas. There are millions of Indians that have been vegetarian for  centuries, even  millennia.
Throughout the centuries, our diet has changed a lot, but especially so since food has been industrialised.
Today, we eat 10 times more meat, 5 times more sugar and 4 times more fat than our grand parents. Yet we eat 4  times less cereal and 10 times less dry vegetables (legumes).
Here are 3 important points (developed in the book):
1) The moral angle:
It is immoral and shocking to kill any animal, no matter what  kind.
It  is  not  made  any  more moral when someone else kills  the  animal  for  you...  With  this  kind  of  reasoning, you  could  say  that  a  gangster,   who  hires  killers  to  do  the  dirty  job,  bears  no  responsibility  because  he  does not  kill  himself...
2) World  economy:
eating  meat  is  a  big  waste  of  our  natural  resources. It requires 10 times more land for cultivation to feed a meat eater than for a vegetarian...
Which  means  that  each  time  you  eat  meat,  you  are contributing to the planet's destruction.
Rain-forest is being transformed into "meat factories." Civilized countries have already noticed that a huge land area is required to feed livestock.
Producing one steak requires more than 2 square meters  (22 square feet) of land.
Seen from a different angle: one tree is chopped down for every steak.
3) Health:
Because of its toxicity, meat is responsible for  the  hardest  illnesses  to  cure (high blood pressure, cardiovascular  and  cardiac  problems,  colon cancer, etc.)
If  we  want  to  maintain  or restore  our  health,  it  is imperious to reduce our animal products intake. The fact that Colon Cancer does not exist among people who are Vegan, should make people thinking twice before eating meat....

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