In 30 years of research and experiment with natural ways to recover health, I collected a notable amount of knowledge among Tibetans, Indian yogis, Rishis and Ayurvedics, but also with Naturopathy, traditional and holistic medicines.
As a result, I could build myself "iron cast immune system," and since 1975, I haven't got any illness at all, (not even a cold in winter), and I didn't consult any doctor since then.
Due to an increasing demand from friends and relatives who want to learn from this knowledge,
I eventually put it together and wrote a book titled:
hitchhiker's Guide to NATURAL HEALTH.
Have a look at the introduction and its main points: click here
Don't miss the book section of my shop !
For pennyless
travellers, to whom I gave iridology diagnosis, lessons or books on credit, you can make any donations here: Donations

Complete health diagnosis from your fingerprint:
Make a clear fingerprint in this square, then click on it.
PS: I want to improve my website. I need your comments.
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Hold your breath

Stagger your ears ! and visit this link: